PlayStation 4 Exclusives – Must Play Games

Image credit: TechCrunch

The PlayStation 4 is my personal favorite console from this previous generation, and it’s quite easy to tell why: PS4 simply has the best games. With tens of games you can’t play anywhere else, the PS4 is a tough system to speak about critically, and even harder to pick 5 games to talk about. It’s not that it’s hard to find 5 great games – that’s quite easy – it’s hard because so many other great ones get left out.

So, while there are several games to talk about, here are 5 that you absolutely must play if you have a PS4.

5: God of War

Image credit: PlayStation Store

Action-packed and testosterone-fueled, God of War sees you take on the role of the once ruthless but now toned-down God-hero Kratos in a new and unique God of War adventure. Instead of being set in a Greek environment, the game takes place in what looks to be Norway, with Norway cultural signs and traditions popping up around every corner. Kratos, once full of rage and slaughtering everything in sight on a brutal revenge quest, now has a son and has become a more protective and reserved dad-figure.

The gameplay boils down to Last of Us-like story development with way more action, which means it’s certainly not for everyone. Kratos will bash enemies’ heads in and ruthlessly tear them apart with some of the most brutal kill-cam animations I have ever seen, second in brutality only to a game like Mortal Kombat. However, this action is all on a track, with the player only really getting an opportunity to fight when the game designates, releasing some of the air out of the game’s intensity balloon.

However, like the Last of Us, the characters and story are very compelling and the environments and overall graphical quality is some of the best that has ever been on a console. The entire game is absolutely breathtaking in almost every way. While I would recommend The Last of Us before this (discussed next), it is absolutely worth checking out if you like action set upon the backdrop of a well-written story.

4: The Last of Us

Image credit: PlayStation Store

The Last of Us games are a highlight of the PlayStation experience as they do an amazing job of distinguishing themselves entirely from the gaming sphere. Yes, it’s a game – it is fun and it is interactive, but you as the player get little to no say in what actually happens, and are for the most part taking part in relatively boring gameplay sequences that take up most of the playtime. However, this truly is a top 5 game of all time in my book.

Why? The story will bring you to tears. After a zombie outbreak and a freak mishap took the life of his daughter, Joel Miller finds himself in the middle of a quarantine zone 20 years later being forced to take care of a girl named Ellie, who may serve as a cure to the zombie virus that claimed so many of his loved ones. So, Joel and Ellie embark on a cross-country journey to meet up with the Fireflies, a group who believes they can use Ellie to find the cure. But emotional twists abound and the ending will leave you speechless. Play this game for sure; you won’t forget it if you do.

3: Bloodborne

Image credit: PlayStation

Bloodborne is my personal favorite game of all time. While I fear that Sony will not bring it back for a sequel, the first one is worth a play and stands alone as one of the greatest gaming experiences of the past generation. It’s so good that I even wrote a review on it, which you can check out here.

Set in the Lovecraftian land of Yharnam, a blood borne plague has run rampant through the population as a result of recreational blood transfusions (a weird happening, I know). You play as a Hunter, one who kills those who he deems as threats to society. Because the plague is turning people into horrific beasts, you must go on the “Hunt” to rid the land of the plague. Action-packed combat ensues and blood is spilled all over the place, hence the name.

However, it is worth noting that Bloodborne is one of the most difficult games ever released. You will die over and over at the hands of its many bosses, and will constantly run into a wall of difficulty you’ll have to work to get past. But in this way, you’ll feel that much more triumphant when you get past that wall, and a unique cycle of frustration and triumph begins. That’s why people love Bloodborne, and that’s why you should definitely give it a try.

2: Gran Turismo Sport

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While Gran Turismo is oftentimes compared to Forza, Xbox’s exclusive racing title, there is really no comparison. With Gran Turismo, you’re not just getting a racing game, you are getting a completely unique experience. Gran Turismo Sport is chill, with jazzy and mellow music tracks playing on every menu. However, this chill external shell is wrapped around one of the most serious and competitive racing experiences ever, with almost every aspect of the gameplay consisting of near true-to-life racing simulation from the cars, to the environments, and to every aspect of the driving physics.

In short, Gran Turismo will test your abilities. While gamers who aren’t racing fans can get into it, it is certainly intended for a more hardcore audience, which is something to keep in mind before you lay your money down. But if you’re up for a challenge – a true test of driver skill – Gran Turismo Sport is your thing. And the good news is that, even if you suck at it, there’s always some great jazz music on the results screen.

1: Shadow of the Colossus

Image credit: PlayStation

If you’re new to the PlayStation platform, this is the one you should play first, above all others. Shadow of the Colossus is not only an amazing game, it is a flat-out, balls-to-the-wall, artistic masterpiece. Your character, Wander, is on a quest to slay 16 mythic beasts known as Colossi in order to save his deceased, unnamed love interest. Throughout this quest, there is no music, there are no creatures or enemies, and nothing of any obvious collectible value. Just you, your horse, and 16 colossi to be slain.

Each colossi is a unique experience, and is like a puzzle to be solved. Do you shoot its underside with an arrow and then jump onto its back and hang on for dear life as it flies, do you hide from it and try to trick it into coming your direction, or do you climb its giant sword? While each colossi has a unique way in which it has to be approached and subsequently defeated, your strategies are truly all yours.

Your sword guides you to each of the colossi through lush forests, arid dunes, and green meadows, and the boss arenas distinguish themselves beautifully from the open-world environments in unique, artistic ways that can only be understood if you have played it. So, you should definitely play it. And all the other games I mentioned. Seriously, get to it!

I hope you enjoyed the article and enjoy the recommended games! Leave a like if you enjoyed this article and stay tuned for more from Genesis Gaming!

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I'm a guy that plays way too many video games. I play Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo consoles, as well as some PC games and I like to write about all of them, so I hope you enjoy!